PEKAT IB Riau: We Ask The Commission III of The Indonesian Parliament For The Process Of This Case

Pekanbaru, ( – Citing news that has been viral in the media, one of which is Pelita and Director of FORMASI Riau’s statement that, Allegations of corruption in the use of Indragiri upstream (Inhu) Riau APBD, in fiscal year 2016 to 2019 fiscal year in the Regional Secretariat (Setda) Inhu should be thoroughly disclosed, investigators in the Corruption Prosecutor’s Office can apply Article 2, 3, 11, 12 number 20 of 2001 concerning Corruption, investigators should include articles 55 and 56 of the Criminal Code to reveal all suspected corruption perpetrators are involved.

As stated by Dr. Muhammad Nurul Huda SH MH who is a criminal law expert at Riau Islamic University. “Disclosure of cases of alleged corruption in Setda Inhu’s protocol section has gone viral, investigators from the Inhu Attorney General’s Office should immediately improve the status of the case if there is sufficient corruption and evidence and bring all the perpetrators to justice,” Nurul Huda said Friday (17/07/20) ) night.

I have long heard the word Nurul Huda, known as an anti-corruption activist, if the Inhu Attorney General’s Office is in the process of disclosing cases of alleged corruption in the Setda Inhu protocol section, but until 2020 there has been no process of determining the suspects conducted by the Inhu Attorney Attorney investigators. “If you want to catch suspected corruption, catch the head, don’t catch the wings or the tail,” said Nurul Huda.

According to Dr. Nurul Huda, the stage of disclosure of the corruption case was initiated from an investigation conducted by the investigator, by examining relevant witnesses and gathering evidence, procedurally, the investigation of the criminal act of corruption was actually to find out whether a legal act had a criminal event or No. “If there is a criminal event, the investigator has been able to raise the status of the alleged corruption case in Setda Inhu’s protocol section into an investigation.

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Because, a criminal event is an act that is punished, “said Nurul Huda. The criminal law doctor who is active in several discussion forums in Riau that discusses the issue of corruption, the issue of environmental destruction and public officials’ policy issues. Furthermore Nurul Huda, after the Corruption Investigator raised the status of the alleged corruption case in Setda Inhu’s protocol section to be an investigation, the investigator collected evidence and sought the culprit.

“Perpetrators who carry out the alleged corruption are responsible for what actions have been made against the state’s financial losses,” Nurul Huda said. Nurul Huda ensured, in a corruption case, it was not possible for a single culprit and it was also impossible to commit a single act of corruption. “At a minimum in a criminal act of corruption if he is an ASN person, it is certain to violate Article 3, 11 or 12 of the Corruption Law Number 20 of 2001.” If the corruptors are local government officials, investigators at the Inhu Attorney General’s Office can apply Article 2, Article 3 , article 11 and article 12 of the Corruption Law, “said Nurul Huda. Nurul Huda, a criminal law expert who often gives information in accordance with his expertise in court, asked the Inhu prosecutors’ investigators to uncover the alleged corruption case in the Setda Inhu protocol section to ensnare the alleged perpetrators of corruption by including Article 55 and 56 of the Criminal Code.

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“The application of article 55 and article 56 of the Criminal Code is intended so that a corruption case can catch all the actors involved,” he explained. Nurul Huda also said, an investigation of a new criminal act of corruption is said to be successful if an intellectual actor can be charged as a Corruption Actor. “Intellectuals of corruption cases can be pursued through articles 55 and 56 of the Criminal Code,” Nurul Huda said, if only the perpetrators of corruption were involved without any intellectual actors being suspected of corruption, clearly unattractive, because it would not have a significant impact on anti-corruption programs. As where the previous news, the Inhu Attorney investigator investigated two witnesses, including the chief of the Setda Inhu protocol and the Assistant III of the Setda Inhu on Thursday (16/07/20) the two witnesses present to the Inhu Attorney Office met the Inhu Prosecutor’s Office to meet and take his statement by Special Criminal Investigator (Pidsus) Prosecutor’s Office deplored the statement of Kajati Riau Mia in the media of the lucky post of July 20, 2020 which said, “Kajati Riau suspected there was a shift in the issue of disclosure of alleged corruption involving the head of the Inhu Regency Government Protocol, to the alleged issue of extortion of 64 school principals to prosecutors at Inhu Attorney.”.

However, explore Mia also the open process of prosecutors who said LKBH PGRI RIAU Taufik unscrupulous prosecutors blackmailed unscrupulous principals. RIAU FORMATION thinks it’s two different things. On one hand, there are unscrupulous officials involved in allegations of thoroughly investigated corruption. on the other hand, there are unscrupulous prosecutors who also investigate thoroughly.

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1. Remove Mia’s position as Kajati Riau

2. Investigate Completely Person inhu officials suspected of corruption

3. Investigate thoroughly prosecutors suspected of extorting principals and bring them to the corruption court if there is sufficient evidence. People’s Monitor.

Separately, the Secretary of Riau PEKAT IB  Rusdi Bromi who was also the Founder of PEKAT IB Riau when asked for his response regarding corruption cases in the Protocol Section of Indragiri Hulu Regency and cases of alleged extortion 64 School Principals by Prosecutors conveyed “If there are no Institutions that are seriously handling cases of corruption We will take this matter to the Commission III of the Indonesian Parliament, thoroughly investigate all persons involved in corruption and pemersan in the case. And if the competent official is not able to carry out his duties and functions, then he will be removed from his position, there are still many others who may be more competent and have more integrity in their positions. I am sure that in this Republic there are still Groups and Men who have power who still have integrity in upholding the Law without long-winded and protracted ”.

he said “PEKAT IB Riau will oversee the case until said, All Indonesian People can witness and follow the journey of this case and how the ending, that’s the picture in law enforcement in this beloved Republic” added Romi Rusdi Bromi familiar greeting.